Openrouteservice: API de isócronas#

import time
import json
import folium
import requests


ors_token = '<token>'
ors_url = ''

# Perfis de rota
profile_urls = {
    'car': f'{ors_url}/driving-car',
    'foot': f'{ors_url}/foot-walking',
    'bike': f'{ors_url}/cycling-regular',
    'bus': f'{ors_url}/driving-hgv', # ônibus está incluído em HGV (Heavy Goods Vehicle)

coords_location = [-34.855469, -7.135231] # Comunidade São Rafael, João Pessoa-PB

headers = {
    'Accept': 'application/json, application/geo+json, application/gpx+xml, img/png; charset=utf-8',
    'Authorization': ors_token,
    'Content-Type': 'application/json; charset=utf-8'

# Intervalos de tempo em segundos
list_range = [60*5, 60*10, 60*15, 60*20, 60*30]

result = {}

for profile, url in profile_urls.items():
    body = {'locations': [coords_location], 'range': list_range}
    response =, json=body, headers=headers)

    if response.ok:
        result[profile] = response.text
        print(f'Isócronas do perfil <{profile}>: sucesso!')
        print(f'Isócronas do perfil <{profile}>: falha -> {response.text}')
        result[profile] = None

Isócronas do perfil <car>: sucesso!
Isócronas do perfil <foot>: sucesso!
Isócronas do perfil <bike>: sucesso!
Isócronas do perfil <bus>: sucesso!

Ajustes para visualização no mapa#

m = folium.Map(location=coords_location[::-1], zoom_start=14, tiles='CartoDB dark_matter', control_scale=True)

list_colors = ['#ff0000', '#ffa700', '#fff400', '#a3ff00', '#2cba00']
classification = dict(zip(list_range, list_colors[::-1]))

def style_isochrones(feat):
    return {
        "color": classification[feat['properties']['value']],
        "opacity": 1,
        "fillOpacity": 0.3,
        "weight": 3,
        "dashArray": "6"

for shape, geojson in result.items():
    geojson = json.loads(geojson)
    geojson['features'] = sorted(geojson['features'], key=lambda feat: feat['properties']['value'], reverse=True)
    geojson = json.dumps(geojson)
    folium.GeoJson(geojson, name=shape, style_function=style_isochrones).add_to(m)

marker = folium.CircleMarker(coords_location[::-1], radius=3, color='red', weight=6).add_to(m)



Alguns resultados#

Make this Notebook Trusted to load map: File -> Trust Notebook
Make this Notebook Trusted to load map: File -> Trust Notebook